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Just keep going like the energizer bunny is how to reach your goals.

Every day is a new battle. Every day is a new challenge. Every day is the same but different.
Yesterday I had to get up at 3 am and be at work by 4 to see an out-of-town customer by 7 am. No problem.
Most people would take that day off from anything else. Most people would just do the minimum of everything that day. Most people don’t reach their goals.
Here’s the secret of how to reach your goals. Work on them every day. No matter what. It doesn’t matter what else happens, if you keep working every day you will reach your goals.
Most people get off track when they stop for a day. A day becomes a week, a week becomes a month, and months become years.
I’ve always had physical fitness and doing physical things as goals in my life. At least for as long as I can remember. It wasn’t until my senior of high school I discovered weight lifting and my goals actually seemed reachable.
I was a fat kid, growing into a fat adult. I wanted to be a police officer but everyone laughed because of my physical fitness. After high school, I continued weights and working out. I got into good enough shape to join the Marine Corps and get through boot camp and School of Infantry. After that fitness was fun. I went through a police academy and the fitness part was easy.
Fast forward years and after I came back from combat in 2003, nothing mattered except enjoying life. I did the minimum physical requirements for years. Then, got in good enough shape to run a half marathon in 2007. By 2008 I was back in the war as a contractor in Iraq. By 2009, physical fitness was back in my life strong and fast. I was doing workouts that most soldiers that lived on the base wouldn’t even think of doing, and loving it.
I came back from Iraq the second time and started a family, and helped start a church. For years I was working a “real” job and working full time at the church and trying to raise a new kid and stay married. Fitness fell off.
I went to the gym once or twice a week if I was lucky. But for lots of weeks, I did zero physical fitness. Fast forward another 10 years and I look like a fat, out-of-shape, old dad.
Now I’m trying to change that. I don’t miss… even one day. I came home yesterday and did yard sprints. Then finished with a walk and mowing the yard for an hour. It was grueling, hot, and I was tired. But I did it. I worked out even after getting four hours of sleep and working 11 hours.
That is how you reach your goals. You work on it every day no matter what else happens.
Here I am at day 27 and still in the game for my 75 Hard Program. And I’m loving it. I got up this morning and headed out for a bike ride. Loved it. Faster and further than I have gone in over a year. I’m getting back into life. I had two good gym workouts last week, one yard workout, and two walks. I’m doing it every day.
What about you? Are you reaching your goals? Why don’t you set a process goal to reach your goal?
What is the one thing you could do every day that will help you reach one of your major goals? If it’s like me, work out every day, without fail. Some workouts are better than others, but I always get one.
If you want to write a book, set a goal to sit in front of your writing station for 15 minutes a day no matter what. Even if you fall asleep at your desk because it’s so late, do it.
Making that kind of commitment to yourself is how you reach your goals.
If you aren’t sure what goal to work on first, or you have the goal of being a better person, do the 75 Hard Program. It will make you a better person and help you reach all your goals. Get the beginner’s guide below.
Ben Branam