Day 7 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

I’m one week down with ten to go. Not bad. I’m doing well and getting things done.

I’ve only got one thing that I’m complaining about right now. My arm is killing me. I did that are wrestling over a week ago and still having problems. Lots of Advil works for me, but I’m trying to stay away from it. One night last week I had to take a bunch just to sleep the pain was so bad. Today is much the same. Just a sharp pain that feels way past over training with enough pain to remind me all the time. I’m going to take some Advil and go to the gym, but only to do cardio on the treadmill. Want to do more, but trying to let my arm heal.

This blog is all about my journey through the 75 Hard Challenge, but I also want to encourage you to do the challenge. It’s a hard 75 days, but you will come out the other side so much better. I saw my personal growth from that 75 days, that two weeks after the first challenge I altered the challenge to fit what I want to advance in my life. I went from 5 things to 10 things.

Now the grind has began with my 10 things. One week in and I’m starting to drag my feet and sit on the couch. I want to blame the pain in my arm, but it’s painful whether I sit there or more, so can’t really do that.

I’m still getting my challenge done, it’s just getting harder. But I will keep going. My ten things I’m working on:

  1. Do the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
  2. Workout
  3. Do a Post and Podcast here
  4. Snap In
  5. Work on creating content on my side hustle for at least 30 minutes
  6. Track my Time from Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam
  7. Slow Carb Diet from The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
  8. Drink One Gallon of Water
  9. Drink Two Protein Shakes
  10. Two Social Media Posts

Today is the why behind working on content for I love teaching, and enjoy teaching self defense more then anything. It’s that skill you will hopefully never use in your life, but if you need it, it could be the thing that lets you continue to be here or that last regret you ever have. And why you may think it’s just your life to lose, and that’s true, but your loss will devastate the people around you. Your friends and family will never be the same without you. I still think about friends lost from the military and law enforcement years after they have left. Who’s depending on you? Who will miss you when you are gone? The second is more people then you think.

So I work so people won’t feel that regret, and I work because I hate seeing the evening news with people getting victimized and killed everyday by criminals. One of my life goals is to put a dent in those stories. I tell people that come to my classes, you shouldn’t be afraid of the criminals, the criminals should be afraid of you. With enough good people defending themselves that may come true.

Until that time, I’ll just keep working on it. I’ve gained another goal as I got older; try and leave the world a better place then when I got here. Now I do that through this blog and podcast. I’m trying to motivate you to get yourself better by doing this challenge. If you get better I guarantee you will see the people around you improve to! You just have to start with the work on you.

Try it. What do you have to lose? 75 days will pass if you do the challenge or don’t do the challenge. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing this challenge. Try it. You can do it.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam