Day 31 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Day 31 and still going. Feel like the Energizer Bunny today. My work day started at 8am and now it’s after 9:30pm and I should still being doing some admin paperwork after being in the field all day. But I gave that up until tomorrow night. I did it half way, and can finish it tomorrow.

Energizer Bunny

I needed to stop so I could get my challenge done. One of my many bosses may or may not be upset with my decision tonight, but I think they will get over it. I need to make sure I make time for me and my challenge. I need to grow me. I need to make myself better. Then I can also make my company better. There has to be a balance of all things including work and me.

I listened to the book Love Your Life, Not Theirs: 7 Money Habits for Living the Life you Want by Rachel Cruze on the road today and finished it in one day. That’s how much driving time I did. I’ve heard all of the stuff before. I’ve been a fan of Dave Ramsey for years and Rachel is his daughter that works with him to get people out of debt and put their financial house in order. But the book was a really good reminder of the things I should be doing. I’m working on Baby-Step #2 again. If you know his program, that’s get out of debt. Everything but the house. So I have credit cards and a car to pay off… again. Somethings I really just have to learn the hard way or the lesson doesn’t sink in.

As I go through this challenge these lessons from life’s past are coming back to me and I’m re-learning them all. This time I’m hoping it will all stick.

I now I’m growing as a person, so some of the lessons are with me for ever. This debt thing, I hope, is one of the lessons I will learn and burn down deep into my soul this time.

How is the challenge going for you? Are you working on it? Are you improving your life? Are you getting better? Leave me a comment and let me know where you are.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam