Day 19 of 75 Hard Round 3

My five things:

  1. Set Daily Schedule
  2. Workout
  3. Post Content
  4. 2 Social Media Posts
  5. Drink 1 Gallon of Water
  6. BONUS – Snap In

I have vowed to do these 5 things plus my one bonus everyday for 75 days.

If you just look at the list, it doesn’t look hard. But try setting yourself 5 things that will improve your life and do them for 75 days in a row. No skipping, no adding, no subtracting, no substitutions, only that you get them done everyday from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed.

Seems simple, and it is. The truth is, doing five things to improve your life everyday no matter what happens is tough. My wife and I just got back from Vegas and we did them for the four days we where there. It was even 1am once when we got back from the shows and gambling that we finished our content for the day.

It’s easy to do this stuff once or twice, but almost impossible to do them everyday for 75 days.

I will be skipping 2 days because I have to have a minor surgery this go around and I didn’t want to wait to improve my life until after the surgery.

The waiting until after is the reason we all are not as good as we could be. We always wait for something to happen and then I’ll improve my life. And we just keep waiting. We put it off. I’ll go to the gym next week when the weather isn’t so nice. I’ll read tomorrow, today is just busy. I’ll drink enough water next week because today I am…

We all have the excuses on why we don’t want to do what we know is good for us. We just wait for the perfect time to start. But that’s like waiting until every light is green before leaving your house. It will never happen!

So you have to start where you are with what you got. Doesn’t matter where or what you have coming. You just have to start.

Get out there and get it done. Plan how you are going to get the original 75 Hard from Andy Frisella and do it as prescribed. I promise you, your life and you will be better.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam