Day 32 of 75 Hard Round 3

Lisa back again with day 32 of 75 Hard round 3. Today I spent a chuck of my day being lazy. I worked out a it today but probably not as much as I should have, though I guess I can do some Pilates after I post this since it’s not super late.

Thanks to the 75 hard challenge I’m have to post more content to my sites, which is making me think harder about the recipes I make and the amount of time I am spending, or not spending, on my business. I posted a new recipe yesterday and created another new one today to go out either tomorrow or Sunday. I’m realizing that I need to up the number of social media posts I do. I may need to change my goal to two per business per day. I think I’ll test it for a few days, then up my goal if it helps my stats. If you don’t have a website or facebook fan page this probably means nothing to you. Sorry.

So, because I left a chunk of my schedule empty I choose to spend it being lazy and doing nothing. I know I know, the 75 hard is a bout discipline and changing your life, but today my life needed a little nothing. You know what? It was wonderful. rest is good for the soul.

How’s your 75 Hard challenge going? Leave a comment below. I’d lve to hear from you all.