Day 43 of 75 Hard Round 4

Today was a good day. I pushed through my 75 Hard even though I had depression try and take me out after a morning bike ride. That wasn’t fun. It hit like a wave of grief and then pushed me into a dark place in my mind.

I think it’s because I got a schedule and I am ready to work on good things for my business. It’s the resistance trying to stop me from doing great things.

In Steven Pressfield’s great book “The War on Art” the resistance is a universal force that will always work against you when you are trying to level up my life. I’m trying to level up big time right now by making my side hustles into me real job. So I should have seen the Resistance coming.

I thought I had met the resistance and pushed through when it tried to get me to procrastinate. Wow, I was wrong. But I pushed through that to get on a schedule. And now the resistance changed tactics and went after me another way.

Well I’ve learned to overcome that crap with the 75 Hard Challenge. I’ve learned to keep going even when acted upon by an outside force. I’ve learned that I can keep going even when the world seems against me. There are times I’ve felt that way through these challenges. I just refuse to give in.

That’s what you can learn if you do a 75 Hard Challenge. Do the original challenge. It’s simple. Do these 5 things everyday without fail:

  • Read 10 Pages of a Business or Self Help Book
  • Do 2 Workouts a Day (at least 45 min each and one has to be outside)
  • Drink a Gallon of Water
  • Stay on a Perfect Diet of your choice
  • Take a Progress Picture

All that is really easy to look at. And it isn’t too hard to do for a couple days. But if you do it for 75 days, I guarantee you will run into the resistance. Something will happen. Some of the challenges I’ve faced during my challenges: My wife had to go to the emergency room, I had surgery, I lost my job, My kid got sick, and now the entire world has the Covid-19 hysteria.

It is long past the time that I ask what could go wrong next… so I don’t. I don’t want to know. I’ll take it as it comes. One thing at a time. One day at a time. I will win the day.

If you can finish the challenge you will be a better person. Can you do it? Can you do it for 75 days? And don’t wait for the stupid virus to be gone. Do it now. Seize the day and this opportunity you have!

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam