Day 58 of 75 Hard Round 3

Lisa here with day 58 of 75 Hard Round 3. It is cold here in Texas, like 30 degrees cold which is pretty much as cold as it gets around here. I’m super happy that I bought some cloves and base layer pants at Costco a few weeks ago.

Today turned out to be a great day. We started out doing some school, then I took my son to the dentist. I absolutely love his new dentist. The procedure was painless, quick and easy. We spent the rest of the day resting an watching Disney+. It was perfect timing for the app, a freezing day recovering from dental work, means chilling at home. i did get some pilates in for a workout, since it was way way to cold to walk. I can hold a plank slightly longer than I could when I started my 75 Hard, so that’s a win.

Honestly the hardest part of my day was motivating myself to workout and post this. Without the 75 Hard challenge I probably would have just blown it off and spent the rest of my evening relaxing.