Day 26 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

After hurting my hand I am stuck on the treadmill at the gym. I’m wanting to get out and lift heavy weights again but with a bum hand it’s almost impossible. I just have to wait another week so I don’t tear the stitches.

End of next week, stitches out and back to work in the gym.

For now I’m just doing cardio and losing weight. Since I started these challenges I am down a total of 25.8 pounds. Not bad. I’ll take it, and keep working on it. Another 75 or so to go.

This is the time in the challenge where it gets good. I’ve gutted through 25 days and now things are starting to move. Life is good, books are being read and the diet and exercise is starting to really pay off, and other things are going well.

I’ve got the challenge going well. Now I just have to be intentional so I don’t mess it up. Now is the time it gets good but also the time that it would be easiest to miss some simple thing. So I go down the check list of my 10 things everyday:

  1. Miracle Morning
  2. Diet
  3. Gallon of Water
  4. Workout
  5. 2 Social Media Posts
  6. 2 Protein Shakes
  7. Track Time
  8. 75 Hard Post and Podcast
  9. MSP Content Generation
  10. Snap In

I use Todoist on my iPhone to keep the list in front of me all day everyday so I can look at it and keep checking them off.

Today I only have this post and put up some content I’ve already created for Modern Self Protection (MSP) I’ve already recorded, and finish my gallon of water (I think I have a couple swallows to go).

Makes it an easy day… Sort of. It’s still a good day even though things are wrong and I still can’t fix my hand. Patience is something I’m learning the hard way on the challenge right now. Sometimes I just have to learn things the hard way.

Are you doing the challenge? Are you learning any good lessons?

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam