Day 27 of 75 Hard Challenge

Today was a good day with the family and now I’m working a little. Just doing my 75 Hard Challenge and spending time with the family. Not much else going on. Spent lots of time with the kid today, had a great bike ride with a great friend. He pushed me to go faster then ever before and thank him for it.

I’m looking at rebuilding this web site. Spent most of the day looking for a theme and research. Tomorrow hope to put it in place. Also had my business partner call me back and want to start teaching classes again for my other side hustle. It’s a lot of work but teaching firearms self defense is my favorite thing to do on earth. So I can’t wait to get back to doing that more.

Now I’m cutting this short because my family wants to do more together tonight and it sounds like a good way to spend the evening, hanging with the family and cooking smores.

I hope you take the time for little joys and go forward with life. It’s not always easy because time is always calling our name to do other “more important” or “more productive” things. But I think it’s one of the best long term things I can do for life.

What about you? Are you taking time to spend with the family or are you working all the time? Are you thinking about family when you are at work and thinking about work when you are with the family? You have to break that pattern and get your mind in the game.

75 Hard Challenge can get you there. Do the 5 simple things for 75 days and let me know how it goes.

  1. Work Out Twice a Day – At least one outside and both at least 45 minutes
  2. Have a Perfect Diet – Not cheating, not even one bite, and no alcohol
  3. Drink One Gallon of Water per Day – Only clear pure, no additives water counts
  4. Read 10 Pages per Day – From a self help or business book
  5. Take a Progress Picture Everyday

Finish that and you can do as I have, grow and become better then you where.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam