Day 10 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today is another long day. I have to be on the road moving trailers for part of my real job, but it will really take me most of the day.

So kind of not looking forward to that.

Yesterday turned out to be a 14 hour day and I still got all of the things for my challenge done! Take that challenge.

So I’m excited to get today done. I’ve already done the workout and Miracle Morning. I’ll get 2 protein shakes in before I leave and then eat right now the road…

Eating on the road I found difficult yesterday. I was just hungry the entire day and wanted more and more food. Got BBQ for lunch, and then ate beef jerky and cheese out of gas stations to finish the rest of the day. I probably shouldn’t have stopped and gotten something real. I looked for food on the road but it was all McDonald’s and fast food everywhere. I even drove away from the highway looking for something last night but still didn’t find anything.

So I’ll have to plan to stop when I’m near a town and get some real food and not just keep pushing through. That was not fun yesterday.

I altered the original 5 simple things you are suppose to do for my second round of the 75 Hard Challenge to make it more me. The original 5:

  1. Strict Diet – No cheating, not even 1 bite, and No alcohol
  2. 2 Workouts per Day – 1 has to be outside and both have to be at least 45 minutes
  3. Drink 1 Gallon of Water per Day – Nothing but clear, plain water counts
  4. Read 10 Pager per Day – From a non-fiction self help book or business book
  5. Take a Progress Picture Every Day – So you can see the progress at the end

My current 75 Hard Challenge is to complete all ten of these things a day:

  1. Do the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
  2. Workout
  3. Do a Post and Podcast here
  4. Snap In
  5. Work on creating content on my side hustle for at least 30 minutes
  6. Track my Time from Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam
  7. Slow Carb Diet from The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
  8. Drink One Gallon of Water
  9. Drink Two Protein Shakes
  10. Two Social Media Posts

I’m still working on The Slow Carb Diet. It’s easy to remember and it’s actually something I can do with my life style. It’s the same diet I used for the first round.

This diet is the first diet I’ve been on for any substantial time. Even at Marine Corps Boot Camp I cheated on my diet and ate things I wasn’t suppose to. I actually got in trouble for it more then once.

Like most things in life the Slow Carb Diet is Five simple rules:

  1. Avoid “White” Carbohydrates – Anything that would spike your glucose levels
  2. Eat the Same Few Meals Over and Over – It’s easier to keep track of and change one little thing or two to tweek the diet if need be
  3. Don’t Drink Calories – And only one diet soda per day
  4. Don’t Eat Fruit – Right there with don’t spike the glucose levels
  5. Take One Day Off per Week – So your body doesn’t go into starvation mode

This diet actually works for me. And it works even better when I eat the same few meals per day. That’s why days like yesterday are hard. Different places and different things on the road. My normal day consists of a protein shake in the morning, eggs and bacon around mid morning, a can of chili mid afternoon, and then a healthy meal my wife cooks for dinner. It’s very simple and works really well for me any time I can stick to the simple part of it.

Believe it or not, I lost more weight when I didn’t skip meals. Funny diet, but it seems to work and it is something I can do for the rest of my life. That’s why I did it for my second round of 75 Hard. I’m just going to keep going on it.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam