Day 11 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today I’m just not feeling it. The last two really hard days at work took it out of me and I’m way behind on everything today. I’ll have to double down and get it done.

I had a doctor’s appointment that took forever this morning and now I’m just behind. Got home and did a bunch of work for the real job and now have to finish this and head to the gym. Tonight my wife and I are hosting a small group for our church and will have people over too. So everything has to get done before that or I will be up really late. Looks like I will be up late to get all this done.

Of the ten things I do everyday for the challenge, most of them still need to get done.

  1. Do the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
  2. Workout
  3. Do a Post and Podcast here
  4. Snap In
  5. Work on creating content on my side hustle for at least 30 minutes
  6. Track my Time from Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam
  7. Slow Carb Diet from The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
  8. Drink One Gallon of Water
  9. Drink Two Protein Shakes
  10. Two Social Media Posts

In truth, I’m a little worried that everything won’t get done today. So I need to get out of here and work on the list.

How is your challenge going? Are you doing one? Are you thinking about it?

Stop thinking about it and get to doing it. It will make your life better. All you have to do is make it through the 75 days.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam