Day 13 of 75 Hard Round 3

Up in the morning with the rising sun
Going to work all day until the working’s done.

That is how I felt today. I’m still trying to wrap everything up before I go on vacation next week for work. I’ll still be doing the podcast and post here and be doing my 75 Hard Challenge while in Las Vegas having fun with the wife. But I will not be doing work. I haven’t had a vacation from the job since I started, so I’m taking one, come hell or high water.

Now I’m trying to finish this up so that I can spend some time with the family tonight.

It’s amazing! When you stick to the schedule and make it work, you get lots of things done, and you have time for extra things like family.

I’ve haven’t done a schedule in years. I’ve gotten in ruts, and that’s really easy. Where you just get up and go to work and then go to the gym, have dinner, and then go home. I was in that rut for years. And it was okay, but I was not improving as much as I could have been.

Now, as part of this challenge, I set my day everyday. And then work to stick to that schedule. Nothing is perfect, and things change, as they did today. I actually got home early from work and bumped up my gym workout. I was tired, but it was on the schedule so I went.

I no longer wait until I feel like doing things. I do them because they are on my schedule. Working the schedule makes me spend more time at work, more time with the family, and more time improving myself.

Yes, I got rid of a lot of mindless TV and video games along with some other equally bad tasks like eating a lot of extra food. So now I’m doing better across the board.

Every day I improve myself just a little and work to be coming the greatest me I can be.

That is what this challenge is about. Taking 75 day and moving closer to the greatest you, you can be.

Now get out there and do this challenge! Become the greatest you, you can be.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam