Day 13 of 75 Hard

This is April 1, April fools day and my 13th day on the program. Seems a weird combo. But the day went off without much of a problem.

Food was easy, but I’ve been feeling some cravings for things other then what I’m suppose to eat. When I’m hungry, I just sit myself down and force myself to eat something that I should eat. I think that maybe the key to food for the rest of my life. I use to go to the fridge every time I was hungry and look for something I wanted to eat. If I couldn’t find anything I’d wait a little and get hungry until something in the fridge or cabinet looked like it should be eaten. Then I would eat what I wanted with no thought of how good or bad it was for me. Now, it’s all protein all the time with a little vegetables and cheese mixed in. No fried food, no carbs, no processed crap, nothing that is really bad for me.

I haven’t had a zinger in two weeks and I use to eat one or two packs a day. It was like a smoking addiction for me. Now it’s gone. I was in a gas station the other day and walked right past them without a problem and onto chicken and green beans.

Water is still easier then I thought it would be. Every time I think about it, I take a big drink from the giant 64-Ounce Tal bottle I carry around. The bottle is an idea from a school teacher friend of mine that I see in the gym all the time. He carriers around a gallon bottle to make sure he drinks enough water a day. He said it was the only way he made sure he drank enough water without letting soda and everything else get in the way. So I used his idea and it works great. Find something you like at Walmart, a sporting goods store, or the one above on Amazon and carry it around with you to make sure you drink enough.

Workouts are still good. Day 13 was hard because I promised the kid he could play at the park while me and the wife walked. So we walked to the park and then walked circles around the play ground while he played. It was a lot of circles. But the bottom line is it got done, and then in the evening I went to the gym and did squats (that seem to hurt a lot lately).

Read my 10 pages in the new book I’m reading and continued that very easily, even though I had to lock myself in the bathroom away from the family to finish the last couple pages. Whatever it takes to get the challenge done.

I hope you get some bits of info to make your journey better then mine, but I hope you will also learn and realize as much as I am as you go.

75 Hard I Will Conquer,

Ben Branam