Day 15 of 75 Hard Round 3

Today is the first day of mine and my wife’s vacation. So it’s going to be tough to get this done. But so far so good.

I’ve got everything done but this post.

It’s early in the time zone I’m at but late at home. Not as bad as other nights but still feeling late.

It seems like every day I’m doing this late at night and almost too tired to get it done. But I’m actually liking it that way. I work hard at everything and get lots of things done. I’m tired because I actually get things done. No more killings time and hiding things. I’m more tired when I get less done then when I get lots done. It feels wrong and weird but after working through this more then once this seems to be the way things are. I’m just going to role with it.

Even on vacation i will finish the 75 Hard Challenge. Can you come up with that much dedication? Can you keep going when no one is looking? You are the only person that will know, but when you push through, everyone will know you changed for the better.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam