Day 15 of 75 Hard Round 4

This is the fourth 75 Hard for me and I’m working hard at it. Seems like I have to work harder at this one then the others.

One thing I think is time goals versus outcome goals. The original 75 Hard has 2 workouts a day at least 45 minutes. Those I put on my calendar and made sure I had time before work and then after work to take care of it.

This 75 Hard I’m doing an outcome goal of 12,500 steps a day. That might not seem like much (and it didn’t to me until I had to do it everyday), but it is work if you have a sit-down job. Both my jobs are in front a computer or behind the wheel of a truck. Both I sit for long periods of time.

I have to get up and take a walk multiple times a day trying to get my steps in. I have to go different places and I have to adapt on the fly. I have to go for walks late at night in not fun places to get my steps in. It is a lot more work then I thought it would be.

Everything else is becoming more and more work too. The diet was my hardest part for the first round and it isn’t getting easier. To tell the truth, the only time I ever had a close to perfect diet was in Marine Corps Boot Camp. Where even the drill instructors couldn’t keep me from sneaking extra food.

Now I’m working on it again. The diet sucks, but it is the biggest problem I’ve had in my life… ever. It’s trying to kill me a little every day, every year. And eventually it will catch me. I’ve lost 5 pounds since starting the journey two weeks ago and continue the struggle.

But… and I have a big BUT here, I am catching my grove and have a new motivation that I started telling myself over the last couple days.

Be good in the small things and the big things will take care of themselves. The diet is a giant thing, but all I have to do is one meal at a time, one day at a time, and it will take care of itself.

I got the saying from the book “The Program” by Eric Kapitulik. It’s a book about building culture. I’m using it to build character in myself and culture inside my family.

I keep repeating this to myself. Take care of the little things… This saying can be attributed to dozens of places and even the Bible. Seems like something worth saying and doing. So I’m taking care of the little things.

What about you? Are you taking care of the little things in your life? Your health, your family, your job, your home? Are you taking care of the little things there?

I know your family is a big thing, but it’s the little moments with your family that makes all the difference to have a great relationship.

Your home is giant, you live in it. But it’s the little things that keep it up. The maintenance, small repairs, and mowing the yard that keep it going.

Everything in our world seems to break down to the little things. How good are you at the little things?

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam