Day 17 of 75 Hard Round 4

I’m still here and still going strong! Sort of… Today I took most of the day off from work. Just because I’ve been working like crazy and needed some time. I was suppose to work a 12 hour day in the field but that postponed… so I had nothing to do today. I mowed the yard. It was out of control.

I did learn something today… Days off are not easy days. I tried to take time off and just do nothing. And I did nothing. I have FOMO. I could have actually got things done in my life but I watched Transformers again for like the tenth time. Very productive.

So I got a couple hours of work done, a little bit of work on my taxes done, and 75 Hard. Nothing else. Sounds horrible, because it’s how I feel.

Do you ever feel that way when you let a day slip away? I do a lot. And my problem is normally the other way when I waist time. I have so many things that I need to do, that I do nothing and let the day slip away.

I haven’t had many wasted days lately and that’s why this one feels so bad.

Doing nothing is something we all need to do to recharge sometimes. But plan that time. I didn’t and used most of the day to get nothing done and feel horrible for it.

Plan your work time. Plan your family time. Plan your waisting time. And you will get a lot more done.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam