Day 22 of 75 Hard Round 3

Lisa here and I have some important news for you. Today it felt like the beginning of fall in Texas after the summer that wouldn’t end. Now, the high was still 85, but I’ll take it. I was outside in the afternoon and didn’t sweat.

The next bit of news that will astound you is that I am almost done with my water and it isn’t even 10 pm. #winning If you’ve been reading my posts or listening to my part of the podcast you’d know that I am always finishing my water super late at night. I’m having trouble getting started drinking water in the morning. Doing this 75 hard and having the accountability of sharing with all of you totally helps. I feel like if I mess this up I’ll let all of you down. Talk about pressure, or motivation, I guess it’s all in how you look at it.

My schedule was pretty easy today since a large chuck of the day was reserved for hanging out with my parents before they go back to California tomorrow. We did touristy things in downtown San Antonio and my son had a blast, especially going in his first haunted house. Before anyone freaks out it was a Ripley’s haunted house with a few jump scares, nothing too scary. Planning out my day in my planner helped me get my work accomplished since I knew when I had time to work and how much time I had, instead of a vague “I need to get this done.”

My workout today was short and sweet. Depending on how long it takes for me to finish all this up and drink some more water I may do a few more planks and call it a night.

Content, well I’m here writing this, so check.

Social Media posts. I scheduled a few for today and will schedule a few for tomorrow before bed. Too many is better than not enough.

That’s it! I’m nearly done for the day. What about you? How’s your 75 hard going? Do you need encouragement or a reminder why you are doing this? Leave a comment and let us know!