Day 24 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

So a day and a second can change everything. I slipped while prying on a gas can to mow the yard today and cut a 4″ gash on my knuckle. No real damage, just 3 stitches and some time with a bandage. It will be okay in a couple days and good as new in about 10. But it pushes lifting heavy in the gym another week. Yuck

I’ll continue the challenge, it jut means more cardo and no weights yet. I does hurt to type so I’m doing it mostly one handed. It’s always fun to learn new skills <font=sarcasm>.

But I did everything today except this post so today will be easy. Tomorrow we will see.

But no matter what happens I’ll keep going and finish the challenge.

What do you do with life’s inevitable set backs? Do you finish strong or not at all? D you make an excuse about not doing things because they are hard? or do you just fix it to the best of your abilities and move forward?

This challenge is all about fixing it to the best of your abilities and finishing strong, with purpose. I’m going to suck it up. How about you?

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam