Day 28 of 75 Hard

It’s been a couple days since I could write. I wanted this to be part of the challenge and write everyday. It was helping me re-enforce lessons learned and it gave me something extra to work on and see how everything was going.

But this last week has been killer. I’ve almost faltered a couple times. Most of the week I’ve been getting up at 5am, reading, going on a walk. Then headed to work, out the door of the hotel by 7am. Work all day while drinking water and eating stuff I bought at the supermarket for lunch while my coworkers are enjoying good catering. They eat from places like Fire House Subs while I eat the equivalent of an adult lunchable, without crackers or a treat. After working a full day plus, heading to the hotel about 9pm to change over and get my second workout in. And because the Gold’s Gym here is not open very long I didn’t get to do a weight lifting workout. I sat on the one machine that works in the hotel “gym”, a stationary bike.

I road that stationary (and not a very good one) for the last three nights in a row. It was doable, just not fun. Walk back to my hotel room just before 10, get to sleep by 1030 and wake up at 5am the next day to start again.

It’s been a long weekend. I also taught a private class on Sunday for about 6 hours running around on the range teaching. Then out to dinner to one of the coolest places for food north of Katy, TX. It’s a biker bar called the Thirsty Parrot. It is one of the coolest places in the area with some great food and just a fun attitude.

The class sat there and drank while I had water, and then ate the one thing on the menu that wasn’t fried or bread, a chicken over rice (that I couldn’t eat). It wasn’t bad, but their burgers at the Parrot are spectacular, and everyone had a beer and a burger but me. It’s a sob story I know, but was doable.

But after the class I got back to the hotel (after picking up lunch for the next day) at 9pm to do my workout.

The odds have been stacked against me this week and especially this weekend since I couldn’t go to the gym and power lift for my second workout and that made me cranky.

Today I got back into the gym for my second workout and did squats. Squats are my worse exercise right now, so practice is good.

I took off early from work today to get my gym workout because we are doing a dinner for new hires that made it through our training program and are going out to dinner. I have to go (and it will be fun). But will be there for a couple hours. So I had to get my workout in so I could enjoy myself and not have to worry about it getting past 830 so I could get my second workout in.

So I’m on track. I haven’t been able to weigh myself so I’m really hoping I’ve lost so more weight so that all this is more worth it.

These last couple days I’ve just been learning to grind. Just to keep going when it gets hard and do the head down work that needs to be done to get any thing good done.

75 Hard Challenge I will Conquer,

Ben Branam