Day 37 of 75 Hard Round 3

Working the challenge and having a real job and a real life can get hard. It is today.

I’m being asked to volunteer for a bunch of stuff for Cub Scouts with my kid. It’s a lot of time with a lot of people that aren’t really motivated to be better. It can be life sucking for me. I really don’t like anyone that isn’t hard working and trying to be better. Never have, and suppose I never will.

Maybe that’s why I like people that are doing the 75 Hard, because they have the guts to try and are working hard to make themselves better. If they work that hard at work, we could probably work together well.

On top of that, my kid today is giving me a hard time about everything. It makes it tougher. Parent Life! Just frustrated. He’s only 10 so I’m trying to shape his work ethic, but he doesn’t seem to have one.

Jordan Peterson in 12 Rules for Life has rule #5: Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them. I know I’m being tough on the kid and trying to find the balance. But I think the pendulum is swinging too far to the I don’t like the things he is doing because he has no work ethic. I’ll have to fix that. My problem is somehow he thinks the word “work” is a cause word and an activity to be avoided at all costs.

Hard to be a dad right now. I’ll have to figure a way to get around it.

But the challenge is going. I got my workout in as an hour long walk today while I was on a conference call. Then went to the field and worked my schedule. I did a couple social media posts today as part of my reading and travels. I’m almost finished with my water, and I’ve got this going for my content.

Now all I have to do is work with my kid to get over his fear of working so he can grow into a man I’d like to have around. I tell him all the time, my job is to help him grow into a good man. We just haven’t got on the same page yet.

With the 75 Hard Challenge, life goes on. You can’t stop. You have to do life and the challenge. That is the hard part. Can you do your normal life and add something incredible to it? Can you make the 5 things happen?

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam