Day 4 of 75 Hard Round 4

Today was a little easier then the last couple days. I had a long day at work but was able to get a lot of my personal stuff done.

Do you ever feel like you just have long days at work and never get anything done?

Lots of self-help gurus and experts have a bunch of explanations and systems that you can use to make things more productive for you. But none of them have worked for me…. I tried doing the four quadrants (important, non-important, urgent, urgent) and had a lot of A1 blocks that still never got done.

I tried doing 3 things per day. Start your day with the 3 things you will get done… and they don’t always get done.

I tried the power list and keeping track of how many days I got 5 tasks done in a week and trying to be perfect. Didn’t work.

Now I’m working the 75 Hard Challenge again and it is working. It worked for in the past to feel in control of my life and to get my physical health going in the right direction.

These are the things I’m trying to accomplish with the 75 Hard Challenge. It was devised as a way to gain grit, self discipline, and a work ethic. For me it has grown into a way that makes me push my life forward with 5 specific tasks I can do daily to move forward.

What are those 5 things for you? What five things, if done everyday, would make you and your life better? I chose my 5:

  1. Drink 1 gallon of water a day
  2. Walk 12,500 steps per day
  3. Do the Slow Carb Diet
  4. Snap in
  5. Create Content for my side hustle everyday

These five things will make my life better… I hope. If not, in 75 days I will know. And then I can tweak them and try something else.

How about you? Do you have what it takes to go 75 days without missing one thing? Are you mentally tough enough to finish the challenge?

Come do it with me. I’m on 4 days in and it’s starting to get better.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam