Day 41 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today was a long day. A tiring day, but a good day.

I’m just ready to go belly up and call it.

I’m done.

I did get everything done before throwing in the towel.

All I have to do is finish this post and podcast and I’m done.

One days like this can you get anything done? Do you accomplish anything when you are tired and just want to lay down? Can you?

This challenge makes me accomplish things even when I don’t. I was done about half way through the day and still had things to do. I got them done. I am over half way through this challenge and I am not giving it up. I am not starting over. So I do the things even when I don’t want to.

Can you say the same? Can you do the same?

Or are you like I use to be and just half ass what you had to.

My wife needed me to do things at church today and I have assed all of it because I was done around 3pm today. Yet I went. I finished that and I’m finishing my challenge.

So I ask again, can you accomplish things on days like today?

This challenge allows me to overcome myself and still get things done when I’m tired and just had it.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam

P.S. I did get a good bike ride in this morning before I felt depleted.

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Nice ride this morning

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