Day 42 of 75 Hard Round 3

Hey it’s Lisa back again with day 42 of 75 hard round 3.

Truthfully I’m getting a bit complacent with my workouts. I know I need to up them, I really do, but also I don’t want to. It’s a confusing place to be in. Today was a beautiful day too. it would have been a great day for a long walk with the kid and the dog, but I decided not to do it. Instead I went the easier way and did some pilates, probably not as much as I should have. Next time I’m doing more. I’m making it my goal to work out longer tomorrow than I did today.

The rest of my 75 hard is really going great.

Today wasn’t too hard, I got my water in, I posted things to social media, I’m doing this content, and I followed my schedule, including a short work out.

What did you struggle with today? Did you get everything done?