Day 44 of 75 Hard Round 3

Hey everyone it’s Lisa back again with day 44 of 75 hard round 3.

How is your 75 hard challenge going? I’m happy to say that mine is going great today. I’m super excited that I got in a better work out than I have in the last few days. That’s huge for me! HUGE!

I did sleep in and get started on my schedule late so that wasn’t the best way my start my day, but everything went pretty according to plan after that. major win.

I’m still finishing up my water, but it’s just after 8 and I don’t have too much left so I’m just going to call that a win too.

Basically I rocked today. haha. not really. i was supposed to finish sewing our Halloween costumes, but it a snag. then I had to take an break so I could thing through how to fix my mistake without making things worse or getting too upset. After some cool off time and thinking it through I cam up with a solution. We will see for sure tomorrow when I actually sew the rest of it together. I do feel good about taking step back from the situation today and just thinking about it.

What are you proud of today?