Day 5 of 75 Hard

Today is Day 5! And I’m excited about it. It’s been hard, but still going. I feel like I have an immediate mission and have created a sense of urgency that I haven’t had for a long time. It’s a light stress and wanting to get it done right now! My other missions in life, my family, my business, my work, my health, and everything else, are just there. I know they are there, but there is no urgency or excitement to them because I haven’t created it. Now I feel a drive to get everything done.

I’m getting closer and spending more time with the family. I feel my real job pulling at me, but it’s a slow time for us this week (that changes week to week for me) so I spent more time on other things. And that’s what I need to do.

I need to keep pushing for everything else in my life. This one mission is pushing me to complete more.

That’s all the upside stuff I’m excited about.

I’m not excited about my limbs hurting. I have a good burn in most my muscles from a workout, but that might get old if it never goes away.

I slept decently last night, but it could still be better. I hope that will continue to get better. I use to sleep anywhere at any time. It was a great skill to have as a young Marine Infantryman. I could literally wake up from a night of sleep, put all my gear together to move out, and then there was a delay of transportation, I could lay down on my pack and go back to sleep. I could sleep, good sleep, on demand anywhere, any time. It’s one of the skills from the military I really miss.

Right now I’m just hoping my nightly sleep gets better.

Scheduling is hard, but this is what I’m generally good at, logistics. I have to schedule food time, sleep time, work time, family time, and of course workout time.

I cracked the water part. Just carry around a huge 1/2 gallon water jug. Every time I think about my burden, just chug on it. It has to be gone by the end of lunch or I’ll sit there and chug it until it is gone no matter how much it is.

Pictures are easy, I have all of them and will find a way to post them soon.

My weight continues to fall, which I’m really excited about. I’ve never had the first week of dieting go well. My body loves fat so much that it normally takes me 2 weeks of any diet to have the scale move. That includes fasting and just having water for 3 days. I’ve fasted as part of my church for 5 days on nothing but water and not had the weight move. Very happy that this is starting!

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam

PS My slow workout this morning