Day 51 of 75 Hard Round 3

Today was crazy at work.

Ever have one of those days where nothing went right? That was today.

But I took in the little things.

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Chasing the setting sun. #drive #dailycommute

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Along with the sun set, I got to have lunch with a Marine that I went to combat with. Great guy and just happy to get caught up. We shared stories of crazy times that I had forgot about.

I spent all day at work driving. By the afternoon I was chasing the setting sun and by night I was still driving.

But I got most of my challenge done in the morning. I went to the gym first thing and had the schedule of working after that, getting home and going to a cub scout meeting with my kid. Then come home and do this post. I didn’t make the meeting, but kept mostly on schedule by working.

I drank all my water while on the road, posted social media in the morning and on the road.

The only really hard part was telling Lisa I couldn’t go to be yet because I had to finish this post. If it wasn’t for the 75 Hard Challenge I would have just come home and gone straight to bed with her.

Having the drive to finish things is outstanding! I’m tired, but feel good.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam