Day 52 of 75 Hard Round 3

Hey Lisa here with Day 52 of 75 Hard round 3. Daylight Saving Tie ended a few days ago and it has me all messed up. I’m not a fan of this early darkness. It throws off my schedule and my internal clock.

Today I did manage to get in a walk before it got too dark. As soon as my son and I got home from his ninja class i took the dog and left for a walk. I barley made it to the end of the street when my husband called asking to join me. Of course I said yes. With him I felt comfortable enough to walk longer in the dark. It wasn’t even 6:30 when we started but it got dark quickly. the time change probably means I need so start doing my outdoor workout earlier. How are you getting your outdoor workout in with Daylight Saving Time ending?

I also rearranged my schedule today and went shopping with Ben so we could spend some time as a family. Sometimes I have to stick to my schedule to get things done, nut other times (most of the time) I’m willing to change things up last minute if it means spending time with people.

I bet you’re wondering how I’m doing with my water today. Guess what? I’m almost done. just a few more sips and I’m finished!

Overall I’ll call today a win. Maybe I’ll eventually get used to the dark evenings, but probably not.