Day 53 of 75 Hard Round 3

I’m on the downward slide! I’m past 50 days.

Now is the time when things start to get too easy and I let them slip. Not yet.

Yesterday I ended up downing half a gallon of water an hour before bed because I didn’t drink it earlier. Tonight I’m already done with it. But you know what sucks about drinking that much water right before bed? I got up four times last night to use the bathroom! I learned my lesson.

I had a great workout today. Went to the gym and worked on powerlifting. I’m getting stronger again, but very slowly. Things never go as fast as you want them to in the gym. But I’m back on a program that I know works. I just have to work it.

I posted on social media more then twice. I’m working on timing some of my posts. I heard an interview with a guy in the gun world that has a huge following in Social Media and it’s because he studied it and works it. He talked about the best times to post your best content when it will get seen and interacted to the most. So I’m working on that schedule now to try and do better with my social media presence.

I’m doing my one post here for the day. This is getting easier and easier, since I’ve been doing a lot of daily posts for the 75 Hard Site. Every day it gets a little easier to organize my thoughts and write.

But I will pay attention. I will continue to work. And I will finish my challenge!

What about you? Can you do a 75 Hard Challenge? Can you do the original one? Can you do a modified version where you pick five things that will make you better and do them every day, without fail, no matter what for 75 days?

It’s only 75 days. You will either become a better you or not. The choice is yours. The simplest way to be a better you, is to pick up this challenge and go.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam