Day 53 of 75 Hard

Day 53 is a Saturday and I haven’t done much. I did both my workouts and spent time with my kid playing video games. Then I played some myself! So everything started late… including waking up. But I’ve had a good day.

Yesterday the epiphany about not letting things that are big deals to derail my success. Wish I had another today, but now I’m just trying to live that epiphany. Yesterday was the great awakening and today I have to put it in action because I don’t know what Monday for week will bring, this week, next month, or even next year. When it looks stable I feel like I can cope more. Right now it doesn’t look stable. But in retrospect, my job has been unstable since December when my company made it official that I would be a recruiter and not just a truck driver.

Water is going okay today, I’m a little behind right now, but will just swallow it in a the next hour to catch up.

The workouts are going better now that I’m doing a body builder style split over a power lifting one. Today I did a walk in the morning and then an easy back workout, everything at 4 sets of 8. It should get my muscles a little bigger and help my body transform into more muscle less fat, and I’m enjoying it and the after affect. I have that runners high / weight lifting pump right now almost an hour after the workout which is really nice. Endorphins rule when they are working for you.

Next week will be a little harder. I will be at a conference and there will be lots of food and drinks (I’m sure). I’ll have to be at the conference most of the day and still get workouts in. It will be fun! Actually it will be challenging for a couple days and then I’ll come back for an easy weekend. Then the following week will be hard again, and the weekend harder. Bring it!

But I have found another great part of the challenge. My wife is getting on board with looking a couple weeks out on our schedule. Before we were lucky to talk about what is happening tomorrow, but with me having to get the workouts in we talk about the weeks in advance so we can plan for everything. Making life better every day.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam