Day 55 of 75 Hard

Today is day 55 which means 20 days and a wake up until I’m done! I am looking forward to being done so I can cheat on the diet a little.

Last night we went out after church with a bunch of friends for Mother’s Day and I couldn’t drink or eat anything really good. We went to a Chuy’s Mexican Restaurant and there was chips and dip, and beers. None of it I could partake in. I’m looking forward to being more part of the party again once the challenge is done.

I’m also looking forward to changing my workouts. They are just too punishing on my body. So I talked to a trainer and friend of mine and he suggested a rehab of 4 sets of 15-20 pyramids to do a little rehab, but with one day off a week. So right now I’ll be walking twice a week on one day. I did my shoulder workout last night with sets of 20 and it was punishing, but I enjoyed it. So I’ll work this workout plan until at least the end of the challenge and then I’ll be able to work on something else.

But everything else I’ll keep from the challenge. I picked a diet I could live with, so I’m going to live with it with a few cheats when we end up out with friends (that doesn’t happen but once a month or so). I’ll keep drinking a gallon of water a day or more, it’s good for me. I’ll keep reading everyday because that’s really good for me mentally. I could use the mental help. I’ll also keep taking a progress picture so I can see how far I’ve come since this started. I hope as I start to see a difference it will motivate me and others to continue to do better.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam