Day 57 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

This was another easy day. I got a good workout in. Actually got my hand to start working again and did some dead lifts. I’m on schedule to start working deadlifts on Thursday and I think my hand will be ready for it! Very excited.

But I had a lot of stupid things hit me tonight that suddenly I’m depressed some. It’s just dumb. I wish I had more money to do more things on my other side hustle and then a political thing. Politics is stupid and I feel even worse that it bothers me. That any of those A-Holes in Washington D.C. can make me feel sad is stupid.

So I’m working through it. But it’s tough and slow. I do have mild depression brought on by PTSD and all of the things and every once in a while it sneaks up and kicks me square in the ass. That’s where I am tonight.

I’m hoping it will pass, or I’ll break through it in a couple hours. Normally I can’t sleep when things get like this and that doesn’t help.

So I’ll push into the challenge. I’ve got a couple more things to do and finish this post and podcast. Other days without the challenge on days like this I would just crawl into a corner, now I’m pushing through and still getting some things done.

This is a major win for me and I’m trying to focus on that and make things better.

75 Hard is life. If you can conquer the challenge it will help you conquer life. That’s where I am right now. I’m pushing forward to conquer the challenge and this damned depression.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam