Day 59 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Day 59! I’m getting there.

Today was a long day at work, and work is calling me to do much the same tomorrow. So it will be much the same tomorrow. But I got a jump on tomorrow today for work and still got home around 830pm. I thought it would be closer to 10. So another win for me.

Ever notice in life that things tend to snowball one way or the other? If things are going really well, they go better. If things go badly, they seem to keep going down hill.

I really like when things are on the up swing. I have to admit, even though the 75 Hard Challenge is really hard, time consuming, tiring, and tries my patience, I have more good days then bad. And things tend to stack towards the good side of things faster and easier.

I think it is because I’m growing. I’m in it for the long haul. Life is a life long journey that if you continue to work on everyday it will get better and better all the time. All you have to do is work at it every day.

The 75 Hard Challenge gives me the way to work on my life everyday. If I can get a little better everyday in a couple years I’ll be outstanding. That’s where I’m headed, to greatness!

What about you? Do you want to get on the journey with me? Start this challenge. It will cost you nothing and give you the chance to gain everything. Why are you reading this instead of creating your plan to start?

Well… Get after it! As you do it you will get better. If you complete it you will feel measurably better.

Now go do the challenge.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam