Day 63 of 75 Hard

I’m getting towards done and am excited about it. This week is going to be challenging! And I’m excited for that too.

I have to work a lot out of town, drive a lot out of town, am helping with the Boy Scouts and a parade for my kid, and then have my kids’s birthday party this weekend too. I have a lot to do.

The one thing that will get done no matter what is this challenge. I think I’m going to keep my challenge stuff going after the 75 days.

I think I’m going to do 1 or 2 month challenges of my own starting after this is done. Find small group of things that will move the needle in my life where I want it to move and make that my challenge. So no matter what happens in life I get those things done.

If we could all do our challenges in life for the rest of our lives how great could we be? How great could we make the world?

That just goes to show that most of us do the same thing wrong over and over again. We let the world shape what our goals, ambitions, and dreams are by setting our calendar every week. We don’t have those things that get done no matter what.

At the end of the challenge I will continue most of what the 75 Hard Challenge is. I will keep the diet, continue to drink one gallon of water a day, and continue reading.

I will change the workout to go six times a week for about two hours a time, until I get more fit. Then I will start changing it to meet what I’m training for. I want to do a strong man competition and a power lifting meet. Power lifting means just being as strong as possible for one lift, one time. That’s it. Strong man means moving big heavy things as fast as possible or as many times as possible. After that I’d like to do some adventure races. All different training cycles.

I will continue to take pictures, but not a progress pick daily. I will take more pictures of my life to enjoy the world more and remember it.

I will also make one of my monthly challenges to do work for my business. I have an almost edited book that I just need to do a final run through and then put all the pictures in so I can sell it. I will make that one of my pushes where I work on that everyday for a month our two until it’s finished and then get it out for sale.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam