Day 67 of 75 Hard Round 3

Went to the doctor today and got cleared for everything… next week. Can’t go to the gym until next week still.

So I continue to walk the neighborhood for exercise. Not my favorite, but the dog loves it. I’ve been cleared to go back to work… even though I’ve already been working. I didn’t tell him that. I was careful.

I am grateful that I got to talk to the doc and he looked at my throat. I’m still not feeling great and my throat still hurts. At this point we are in agreement that I picked up a cold while at the hospital or at work just before the surgery. What great timing.

As long as it’s not pneumonia I’m good.

I drank all my water today and did five hour-long interviews for work on top of everything else today. Interviewing people is just as hard as being interviewed. I never knew it was this much work until I started doing. I love talking to people so it’s a nice fit for me. Just not helping that my throat is hurting still to talk after a while.

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to doing my Miracle Morning as I’ve been doing for the last couple days, getting my five things done, and celebrating with my kid for being on of the top salesman for a cub scout fundraiser. It should be a good. And I’ll mix a little real job work in there too.

Day 75 is coming fast! I’m ready to not worry about it for a couple weeks and then start another challenge. I love that I do 5 things that make me better every day. I think I’ll continue doing different challenges forever.

75 Hard I Will Conquer,

Ben Branam