Day 70 of 75 Hard

Day 70! I’m almost there.

Excited about being done, but have learned a lot during the last 70 days. A lot of things I knew already became very real for me.

But I learned something new yesterday. I learned that I can actually have will power. It’s amazing to actually do.

Yesterday was my kids birthday party with all of his friends over. 20 kids running around the house screaming with chips, fruit, cake, and candy everywhere. The kids where having a candy fight at one point and I’m trying to stick to a diet. It wasn’t a great environment, but I did it!

I stuck to my diet and didn’t have a bite of candy, or chips, or nachos, or anything that I shouldn’t eat. Even with kids trying to share their cake with me. I love cake and would eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could. I have in the past and that’s why I’m overweight now.

Yesterday I had will power and made it through everything. Even found a fun way to do my second workout outside with the kid on the bounce house slide my wife rented for him.

Did sets of 4 going up and down with a break between to let the kid and wife play. Set the timer to go for 45 minutes and went to a little after the video when I fell from the top of the ladder. It sucked and hurt, but got up and did my normal walk this morning and feeling tired but good.

Five more days and I’ll be done. But, from what I’ve learned, I’ll keep reading, keep my diet (it just won’t be perfect and I’ll enjoy cake on my kid’s birthday party), and I’ll keep drinking a gallon or more of water per day.

So far I’m down almost 15 pounds and 3% body fat from where I started. So a good jump on being physically fit again. My life goal is to be in Marine Corps fighting shape again. So run a first class PFT and be under 18% body fat. I’ve got a long way to go, but now see the road to get there.

75 Hard is the best thing I’ve done in the last 10 years. I will continue to grow and change, and make my family better, and make the world a better place.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam