Day 9 of 75 Hard Round 4

Working all day in my company’s corporate office. I had to take a safety course and do some other things while in town, so my challenge went on the back burner. But I’m finishing it. Started work at 6am and now it’s 10pm and I’m just finishing this. This is my last thing on my list.

I’ll get it done and go to sleep and then do it again tomorrow.

On days like this my challenge is actually a great thing. It makes my life harder, but I just get things done despite all the hard work. Normally I would have eaten crappy food, not done any exercise and drank more energy drinks then water. And I would have skipped doing this. So I would have just wasted the day for self growth because I was “busy.”

Now I’ve gotten things done.

  • Walked 12,500 steps – Had to walk around a mall for more then an hour to get the rest and do a walk early in the morning before work.
  • Did the Slow Carb Diet – Couldn’t eat desert or other goodies with all the guys, but ate vegetables and meat.
  • Snap In – Done at the hotel while waiting for something to download at the hotel.
  • Water – I just kept drinking it all day while everyone else was enjoying lots of different drinks.

So it can be done. No matter how busy you are. And you can get better every day of your life.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam