75 Hard Round 4 Here I Come!

I’m getting ready to start another round of 75 hard. I need it!

I’ve put on all the weight I lost last year doing the challenges, I haven’t been getting everything done I want to get done, and I need another reality check for myself. This way I can plan to get things done, feel like I’m accomplishing things again and working on it the right way.

If you haven’t done a true 75 Hard Challenge as originally put forth by Andy Fiersella, you should start there. After you have finished the first one, then think about motifying it to make it fit where you want to go in your life.

The original 75 Hard

  1. Work out 2 times a day; at least 1 outside, and both at least 45 minutes
  2. Drink a gallon of water
  3. Read 10 pages of a business or self improvement book
  4. Stick to a perfect diet
  5. Take a progress picture

All you have to do is these five things for 75 days in a row. At first it’s easy. Then it gets really hard. And one or two of those things will be really easy for you, and one or two will be exceptionally hard. All of them will help you become a better more resilient person.

I have a bunch of things I want to get done in my life. I’m always working on my fitness. The last couple years I’ve been better, but not good. Before that I let a decade go by and just ate and worked. Now my body shows that I really ate a lot of ice cream. It’s time for that to change. I’ve chosen power lifting as the one thing to help me make that happen.

I want a content driven side hustle. I’ve been working on one for years. I just never really stay consistent on things. This 75 Hard will help me with that again.

Last on my list, is working on shooting. I’ve always loved it and been good at it. I’ve won a couple competitions. Then I learned that gun companies sponsor shooters. They pay people to shoot. Since then I’ve always had a dream of doing it. I’ve found my niche and think I can make a go of it. That takes practice every day.

With all these things, my list looks like this:

  1. Walk 12,5000 steps
  2. Drink a gallon of water
  3. Do a perfect Slow Carb Diet
  4. Practice Shooting (Snap In)
  5. Create 1 piece of content everyday

I have three things in there about getting healthier, one about shooting, and one about working on my side hustle. When I had good health I didn’t worry about it, now that I don’t have it, I worry about everything.

So I’m doing those things to see if it will push my life forward. It’s only 75 days that will pass whether I work on myself or not. I’m going to work on myself.

I’m starting my next 75 Hard Monday February 17, 2020. If you haven’t done one, start it with me and we can conquer it together.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam

PS I’m also doing a 75 Hard Podcast, subscribe here.

PSS I’ve also started a Facebook accountability group here

2 Replies to “75 Hard Round 4 Here I Come!”

  1. Hi Ben, I’m curious about how you’ll go about 75 Hard along with the Slow Carb diet. I just started the challenge a couple of days ago and I’m also following Slow Carb, but Andy is very clear that there are to be no cheat meals. So I’m not sure how to approach the 75 Hard/Slow Carb combo. I was thinking that instead of a normal “go wild” Slow Carb cheat day, I’d still be pretty strick and just allow myself some dairy, rice, or potatoes to help spike caloric intake (no sweets, chips, noodles, pasta, pizza, burgers, etc.). What are your thoughts and experience? Seems like a typical cheat day would sort of defeat the mental part of 75 Hard (I think eating will be one of the hardest parts of the challenge for me).

    1. Eating is the hardest thing for me!!! By far. I did the diet with a cheat day when I went through the 75 Hard Challenge the first time. I did it when Andy hadn’t done a lot of information on it and I went with what I knew. Honestly, the slow carb diet is the only diet I’ve been about to be on for more then a month and not quit (with the cheat day). I’m doing the diet again (with the cheat day) and just moving forward.

      I think you should pick a way and go with it. Neither is wrong. If you want to make yourself harder mentally, go with out the cheat day at all. Don’t worry about the weight loss or fat loss as much as making yourself mentally tough. This challenge is about becoming mentally strong before physically strong.

      Since I’m using the cheat day version of the slow carb diet for the second time, I definitely wouldn’t fault you for doing that either. If I had it to do over again from the beginning I would go without the cheat day knowing what I know now.

      That being said, I probably wouldn’t have finished the challenge without that cheat day. So one way or the other, pick and go. Either way you do it, it will make you mentally stronger. And that is the point of 75 Hard.

      Good luck and let me know how it goes.

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