Day 10 of 75 Hard Round 3

I’m Lisa and my husband Ben and I are doing a modified version of 75 hard. You can read, or listen all about it in Day 1 of 75 Hard round 3. I highly recommend you do the original 75 hard first.

Today was one of those days where I wasn’t sure how everything was going to happen. I wasn’t particularly busy, but my parents are in town and so it threw off our schedule.

Actually I take that back. It just left a lot of blank area in our schedule for hanging out and spending time together, which I haven’t had in awhile so it made my day feel weird. Then there is the whole it’s stupid hot and Texas doesn’t know it’s Fall thing that messes with my workout, since I am not a fan or early morning workouts. I did go for a workout walk this evening at about 8 o’clock. So I’ll call that a win. We’ll ignore the fact that the only way I stayed motivated was to walk in what I was already wearing which meant walking up and down hills in jeans in the heat. I did it though.

I did great on my water today, minus the half glass of water I knocked over on the table at lunch. Did I mention my dad had already knocked a full glass of water over earlier in the meal. Yep, we’re a coordinated bunch.

I got my social media postings done this morning while my son was working on school, but like I’ve said that one seems to be the easiest for me.

Basically, if I can do this you can too. I will conquer.