Day 11 of 75 Hard Round 3

Today was a hard day.

Work isn’t going how I want it to. Lots of work to be done before I leave on vacation and I’m waiting on others to get going so I can get it done. Very aggravating for me.

They did role back some of the work I need to do and gave me an extra week. Which makes the amount of people I need to hire doable.

Just feeling tired. These days are good for me to be on the 75 Hard Challenge. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t have gotten anything extra done to help myself.

With everything going on it’s easy to forget to help yourself. Especially for me. Always trying to make the wife happy and raise the kid. Already two full time jobs.

So I push forward. I kept the schedule going today, got some content up, did my workout (had a good one), drank a gallon of water, did two social media posts, and Snapped in. It was a long day and I’m ready to go to bed.

Tomorrow will be better and I’ll do better and keep going. One day at a time some time.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam