Day 28 of 75 Hard Round 3

Lisa back again with day 28 of 75 hard round 3. This is the actual day 28, unlike yesterday when my husband labeled his post day 28. I fixed it for him because I’m a great wife

Sundays are my long tiring days. This Sunday was extra long since I met my hubby and kid at a cub scout event after church/ work, well after I ate after work. Then we invited my son’s friend over and the two of them are currently yelling in the next room because boys. I’m going to have to hush them soon so I can record my podcast for today.

Gallon of water: check. Plus some Pepsi to help me make it through the day I have to say I think drinking all this waster has helped with my energy level. I wasn’t nearly as tired after church as I normally am, and I was crazy busy at work helping people, talking and connecting.

2 Social Media posts: Check. I will never understand wheat makes people comment on some posts and not others. Never.

Content: Check, after I finish the podcast. I need to work on some content for That site hasn’t benefited as much from this challenge as the others.

Workout: Check. 10,000 steps in wedges is workout enough for one day.

Schedule: Check: work them scouts was pretty simple. I’m working on tomorrows schedule too!