Day 29 of 75 Hard Round 3

Day 29! Almost turning that corner to 30!

Sometimes it’s about celebrating the little wins for a couple seconds so you can keep going on a long journey.

When I did long marches in Marine Corps (called Humps) I would look down and just go one step at a time. When I needed a little motivation I would look back to see how far I’d come and celebrate a little bit when I could see the long trail we had already walked. Then I would celebrate the little turning points when we would pass a terrain feature that let me know how far we had gone.

Now on my 75 Hard journey I am 29 day in and starting to feel momentum build towards being a better me. I’m starting to be motivated to do other things better in my life and to see challenges as opportunities.

At work the amount of work that was just piled on me and one other person is probably more then we can get done by the end of the year like is required. So I’ll take it one bite at a time and get the other things scheduled out so we can make it happen. One step at a time just like on Humps with the Marine Corps.

Are you looking forward to extra challenges in your life? Are you looking forward to having extra dropped on your lap? Do you look at it as an opportunity to perform, challenge yourself, and get noticed for great work?

I’ve been taking extra stuff on so that I can perform at a top level, challenge myself, and get noticed for doing great work.

The 75 Hard Challenge has made me look at things differently. The challenges at work are an opportunity to do great things and be better.

It’s hard to look at things that way when you are underpaid and over worked. But the truth is, you will always feel underpaid and over worked until you change your mindset. Easier said then done. But you can practice.

The 75 Hard Challenge is how you practice and learn to change your mindset. So get started! Do the challenge and starting winning more at life.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam