Day 36 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today was hard. Got up late after being at the movies late last night and got started late.

I just had to deliver a bunch of stuff to Houston. Only about a 4 hour drive, but some how it took me almost 12. Got stuck in traffic, my two deliveries took longer then I thought, and I decided to do my workout in Houston before coming home.

That turned out to be a great decision because by the time I got home I don’t want to do anything.

Do you ever have those days? This is multiple times like this in the this challenge. But I have to say, I’m thankful for the challenge. If I wasn’t doing the challenge I would have gotten some crappy food on the road, skipped my workout, and only done my deliveries for the day and nothing else.

With the challenge I still worked on my business, snapped in, got my workout in, read this morning and did all the other things that go with the challenge.

Yes other days are better where I get more out of the reading, have better workouts, and am more productive in all the things. But today was still good because of the challenge.

What about you? Can you do the challenge even when you feel like crap? Can you make things happen on those days you just don’t want to do anything? Can you do it?

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam

2 Replies to “Day 36 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2”

  1. sadly, I cannot do physical things when I feel like crap. I’m just too senior for that. But if pressed, I can still sit here and work on transcripts.

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