Day 37 of 75 Hard Challenge

Working hard at the challenge and at life.

Today was good. I went to work, hustled at work, and to do my 75 Hard Challenge and then went to a meeting and a dinner with my wife.

We doubled up a meeting with dinner afterwards as a date night. Figured we got a baby sitter and might as well.

It was really good to spend time with the wife. And both of us needed to adult after the meeting.

We are looking at adopting a child and this was our first meeting. So we are learning a lot and it’s a lot to work on. We know we want to adopt a child but honestly, this is scarier then when we decided to have a kid and I got my wife pregnant.

This seems overwhelming and some of the web sites are not as informative as they could be. And we learned to do foster to adopt it starts with 82 hours of training. So that should be fun.

But the scary part for me is picking a kid. There is adoption sites with kids listed like craig’s list ads. I know that probably works, but the thought of choosing a kid is horrible. I’d rather do a lottery or something.

Anyways, with all that going on, the adult time was great and time to talk and figure it out. Time is the one thing we have (82 hours of training will give us that).

So we will be doing more research and moving forward.

The challenge got done so that the rest of my day could take a back seat to adoption stuff. I’ll have to work a lot of extra hours and hustle so I can make time for 82 hours of training.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam