Day 4 Round 3 75 Hard

Hey Friends, Lisa here with an update. We’re on Day 4 of a modified 75 hard and today wasn’t too bad.

PSA: If you listened to the podcast, or even if you didn’t and want to help our son With his Cub Scout Popcorn sales he’d love it. 73% of every sale goes straight to local scouting. You can even just make a donation where the popcorn goes straight to the military, and the scouts still get their cut. You can check it out here.

I did a 2.5 mile walk with the dog this afternoon when it “cooled off” though I use that term very loosely. Needless to day the walk in Texas heat made drinking a gallon of water a lot easier.

Luckily for me my walk was over before the crazy downpour going on right now. I’m not sure if I would have been able to make myself do it in the pouring drain. I know on Ben’s original 75 Hard he walked several days in the rain as part of his outside workout. He is amazing!

My schedule actually saved me today. Don’t tell Ben. I had forgotten about something I needed to do for work, but my planner had my back, helping me remember and get what I needed to get done done. I’d call that a 75 hard win. It’s also helped me focus my priorities this week. My parent’s are coming into town from California next week so I’m trying to get all my work stuff out of the way now. I have a fairly flexible job when it comes to weekdays, so thats super helpful.

Yes, I know the way we are doing this round isn’t as hard as a real 75 hard, but it is for me. I haven’t worked out in some time, so just doing it every day is a hue win for me, HUGE.

Just remember, no mater what your day holds you CAN do this. It’s supposed to be hard. It’s supposed to be a challenge. I know at the end we will all come out better.