Day 5 of 75 Hard Round 3

It’s day 5 and I’m way behind on my drinking water. So pause to drink a bunch while I’m thinking about it. Okay I’m back…

I had a great workout this morning and still working hard at everything.

Setting my schedule is getting better. I’m putting the right amount of time for things. I’m just putting things down and then trying to squeeze things in. Doing a post here takes more then 15 minutes no matter what time I put on the calendar.

But when I put everything on the calendar it shows me what I can realistically get done in a day.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” – Bill Gates

Me, I over estimate what I can do in a day all the time. So the schedule is a way that I can get a real number of things done without getting overwhelmed.

In the past my to-do list runs away with me. I’ll put 30 things on it for today and about half of them will get done. Then tomorrow I’ll have another 30 things I want to get done and the left overs from the day before. And that seems to with the numbers fluctuating up and down. And the important things just slipped through the cracks.

So that’s why I put schedule my day and stick to that schedule as part of my 75 Hard Challenge.

I’ve been doing the schedule for five days now and getting things done. I will continue to do that for the next 70 days, including when I’m on vacation in a couple weeks.

What about you? Can you stick to any habit for 75 days come hell or high water? Can you do it no matter what? Will you?

Sure it seems easy, but try it. I dare you!

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam