Day 44 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today was a good day. I added something small to my list of things to do. Or actually something not to do today. I play a lot of stupid games on my iPad and today I said I wasn’t going to play any of them until tonight. And I didn’t.

So I got more done for the real job, worked in the yard, and transplanted a bunch of Banana plants I’ve been meaning to get to.

Plus I got all my 75 Hard Challenge done:

  1. Do the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
  2. Workout
  3. Do a Post and Podcast here
  4. Snap In
  5. Work on creating content on my side hustle for at least 30 minutes
  6. Track my Time from Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam
  7. Slow Carb Diet from The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
  8. Drink One Gallon of Water
  9. Drink Two Protein Shakes
  10. Two Social Media Posts

Only thing to finish is this post and podcast.

I’m feeling great with days like today. I’m going to spend some time with the wife and get to sleep early.

Next thing I’m trying to do tomorrow is wake up earlier. I’ve been staying up late with the wife and not waking up on time. I know I should want to wake up early and get things done, but I wonder if that is really that important to your productivity? It wasn’t today.

But on the other half, when I was waking up early I didn’t work after dinner. Today I went to the gym and am doing this post and podcast after dinner.

So I guess it’s how things go. I’m liking the little later schedule and working a little latter. Maybe I’ll keep it and keep enjoying the time with the family. Not sure yet.

What do you think: Do you need to get up early to get things done? Or can you get up later and just work later and still get things done? Let me know in the contacts.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam