Day 45 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today was another tough day.

Not because of things that happened, or I was tired, or I couldn’t cut it. No today was hard because of food and caffeine cravings. All I wanted was ice cream and cake. And I still want more monster.

I’m dehydrated even after drinking a gallon of water today. That’s from being outside for two days in a row working in the heat and not drinking enough. Also not getting enough sleep last night.

Every once in a while I have insomnia and it mostly has to do with things I did overseas and the demons I guess I still fight every so often. Just when I think I’ve got the son of bitch licked, he comes back to play. Well this maybe a fight I’ll have for the rest of my life, but I will win in the end and he won’t break me.

So sleep and dehydration probably cover the food cravings. The tired might be the caffeine problem too. So all I have to do is get more sleep and drink more water tonight. No problem.

I did get the rest of my stuff done, but that was hard and depressing too.

I went back to the gym to do weights in the first time in almost two months and I was weak, slow, tired, and sick.

My stomach was killing me in the gym and wanted to come out my rear. Not cool at all. I got my workout that I had set up. It should have been pretty easy, but was really hard!

My finger is still killing me to use and I can’t really grip the bar right with my left hand. So all my problems, where problems today. But I overcame them to do what needed to be done.

I did get some things done for my side hustle, I got the yard mowed, I finished my challenge, and got some time with just me. The wife took the kid and went to a friends house today.

The dog is staring at me right now missing the kid. I can see it in his eyes and body language. Funny how pets pick up on everything. And I miss my wife and the kid. I’ve spent so much time with them the last couple weeks that I don’t know what to do when they are gone for the day.

I’m going off to bed early to get more sleep and going to drink some extra water before bed.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam