Day 45 of 75

Another day down, and more to go.

I’m now at day 45! Yeah Me!

I keep going and am starting to feel like the energizer bunny. And this is just proof that us as human beings can get use to anything. I’m just in the groove of getting up and reading, then heading out for a walk.

After the walk is where my schedule gets uprooted some. My family always wants attention, image that. So after giving my wife and kid attention it’s off to work. Did a couple things for my company and then got sucked into research for a product I want to buy on YouTube. It’s really a time suck! But did find out what I really want isn’t out there, so I’ll keep looking.

Now I’m doing this post, then I have to make a bunch of phone calls, get lunch, and do the real job.

This evening is Gym time for Squats and that will be tough. Last night I almost killed my shoulders doing press. But the press is as high as it’s ever been for me. So I’m hitting personal bests on press and deadlift next week. Which will be cool.

Next week will be hard for work and I find out about that today. I’m excited to go out of town to do extra work for my company and hopefully help it grow. I’ve been stuck just doing a little work for the last couple weeks but I’d like to do more.

If not, then it will be an easy week followed by a conference the next week. I’m excited about the conference to actually get some training in the job I’m doing for the company at this point. It should help me be better.

Just looking forward to the future and excited that 75 Hard is making me a better person.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam