Day 46 of 75 Hard

I’m getting there. I can see the end! 30 days and a wake up as we use to say in the Marine Corps.

I actually pushed my calendar out in my Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt (affiliate link) and saw the end of my 75 Hard journey in June. So I have 1 more month and I’ll have it finished. Nice to see the end in sight.

Walk was nice this morning after a giant storm came through last night. The weather was good. My wife laughed at me. She asked my how was your walk, and I replied I swallowed a bug. She is still laughing. But you have to hate it when that happens. It was not really swallowed more in haled, so it got caught in my throat and won’t come out or go down. Feels like it’s still there after an hour. If I had just swallowed it, I would have just enjoyed a little extra protein.

Water and food where easy yesterday. Cravings are almost totally gone and I just eat whatever I can that goes with my diet. My wife and kid went to a cub scout meeting last night and I had a nice enjoyable meal of chicken and beans. I really did enjoy it with some good salsa and a little cheese.

Today, I’m behind as usual, but I’ll get done what I can get done and then work on more tomorrow. I always have more things then I’ll ever get done on my todo list, but I will continue to do as much as I can adjust as I go.

I think that will be my real lesson on this challenge is how to do as much work as possible, like it’s a mission and then except what doesn’t get done and adjust as I go. That’s where I am today on my journey through this challenge. With two workouts a day and a diet that I have to constantly monitor it’s a lot. But that shows I’m capable of a lot.

My real job continues to be easy aka boring to me. My business is getting more time and I’m getting more things done. Today I’m actually trying to get a head on my content publishing schedule (for the first time in a long time). Check out if you want to learn more about my side hustle.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam