Day 46 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today was a good day.

I got things done, even though it took me longer then I wanted to.

I did weight lift for the second day in a row. I love weights and weight training and am so glad to be moving iron around again. Even if it isn’t as heavy as I want it to be.

I can’t really do much with my back or arms because I can’t hold anything in my left hand without hurting myself worse or having excruciating pain.

I did squats and then say where the gym put in a new rack with pull up handles. Cool thing about this rack is the handles are huge and that let me get a decent grip with my left hand. Then I was able to do something I haven’t done in at least 5 years! I did a pull up!

I know, crazy accomplishment right? I don’t know if it’s easier for me to get back to do things like that knows that I use to do 18 pull-ups at a time for score in the Marine Corps Personal Fitness Test (PFT). Now I’m back to one. But there will be more as I continue to lose weight and gain strength, endurance, and flexibility.

So I continue on my journey through the 75 Hard Challenge. What about you? Can you do the challenge? Can you make five simple things happen a day for 75 days? It will make your life better. All you have to do is do it.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam

2 Replies to “Day 46 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2”

  1. Just wanted to say: been following you since 35 days in to round one. Truly inspirational! Keep it up.

    1. Thanks Sean! Are you working on the challenge? Where you at in it?
      Thanks for the kind words. Hit me up if I can do anything to help.

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